Apr 06
Get the most out of your skincare routine


There are a lot of types of skin care routines, from the simple cleanse and moisturise to the 10-step Korean skincare routine. It doesn’t matter which routine you use, rather, are you getting the most out of it?

Here are five steps to make your skincare routine really effective.

1. Remove your make-up thoroughly

We can never preach this enough. If you do not remove your make-up thoroughly, there will still be residual make-up left on your skin. This may clog your pores and lead to break outs.

2. Cleanse

Always ensure you cleanse your face after you remove your make-up. This is the final step to help wash off all the residual make-up which may still be stuck in your pores.  After removing your make-up, either double cleanse your skin or use a brush cleanser, such as our Elisha Coy 3D Spin Cleanser, for a deeper cleanse.

3. Exfoliate twice a week

Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin and unclog your pores. If you can’t make it to a facial, do this instead. Regularly exfoliating will aid in your skin’s renewal process. Choose a gentle, natural scrub with no plastic microbeads as these may scratch your skin if you rub too hard. Or use our Elisha Coy 3D Spin Cleanser to gently buff away dead skin.

4. Apply a mask once or twice a week

Make masks a regular part of your routine instead of reaching out for it only when your skin is in terrible shape. If you spend a lot of time in an air-conditioned space or in the sun, your skin tends to get dehydrated easily. Masks provide a moisture and nutrition boost to your skin. When your skin is happy and hydrated, the lesser the chances of it breaking out.

5. Apply masks or moisturiser/serum/oil on damp skin.

This is a game changer! Damp skin easily attracts the moisture and nutrients from your skincare products. Plus you are getting a moisture boost as your skincare product helps lock in the moisture that is already on your skin!

6. Bonus Step – Don’t forget your neck!

The skin on our neck is very thin and needs a lot of care. Remember to extend your moisturiser to your neck and apply in an upward sweeping motion. 

Which step will you try out? Or will you try all the steps? (: