Aug 08
The Importance of Water in the Body

Water is a very important substance for the human body. About 50-70% of the human body consists of water, including skin, body tissues, cells and all organs. No human can survive for a long time if the body is dehydrated. What is the importance of water for the body? The Lagizi team will discuss it.

Water function

Some of the benefits of meeting the body's fluid needs are:

  • Prevent dehydration

Lack of fluids has various side effects such as dehydration. Dehydration is a condition in which the body does not have enough water to support vital functions.

  • Promote blood circulation

Water can help improve and smooth the human circulatory system. Consumption of water will help in the process of transportation in the human body.

  • Helps remove toxins

Sweat and urine is the process of removing toxins from the body. Water can help remove sweat fluid and reduce the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

  • Helps kidney performance

Consumption of sufficient fluids can help ease the work of the kidneys so as to prevent kidney stones and kidney failure. The kidneys process 200 liters of blood every day, filtering out waste and transporting urine. The kidneys need adequate fluids to cleanse the body.

  • Control your appetite

Research shows that there is a link between drinking water and appetite. Drinking water before eating can control appetite which can have an impact on weight loss.

  • Helping the distribution of nutrition

Water is needed to process all the nutrients obtained from the food consumed and carry these nutrients to all body cells through the lymphatic system.

  • Maintain fluid balance in the body

About 60% of the human body consists of water. Drinking enough water will maintain the body's fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body, regulate body temperature, digest food, and much more.

  • Maintain skin health

Simply consuming fluids can help moisturize the skin, leaving the skin fresh, soft, radiant and smooth. Toxins in the body can have an effect that can cause the skin to become inflamed, causing clogged pores and eventually acne. Consumption of this water can increase the process of removing toxins through sweat smoothly which can eventually make the skin smooth and bright.

  • Prevent dangerous diseases

Another benefit of water is to prevent various chronic diseases that attack the body. These diseases include stroke and cancer, there are many other diseases that can be prevented by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. In addition, the most important benefit of water is to reduce the levels of toxins in the body through urine. The more we drink water, the more toxins will be removed from our body.

Determine the need for water intake

In order for the body to function properly, it requires adequate intake on a regular basis to replace body fluids that continue to decrease over time. Although there is no research that can determine how much body fluid intake is, at least meet water intake by multiplying body weight in kilograms by 30.

For example: an individual with a body weight of 70 kg is recommended to meet 2.1 liters of water in a day. Those who are active in sports should get more fluid intake to avoid dehydration.

How to know the body lacks fluid intake

Dehydration is a condition in which the body lacks fluids and should never wait for it to happen. If you experience several conditions such as cloudy urine, dry lips, feeling thirsty, or your throat feels dry, then drink water immediately because these indications are classified as mild dehydration.

Recommendations to meet body fluids

In meeting fluid needs, drinking water is much better than soda drinks or the like because water does not contain calories which generally come from added sugar. Sports drinks must be adjusted when the body really needs it, namely during long duration sports over 90 minutes. If you just want to relieve thirst, choose water to avoid the accumulation of calories. Fluid intake can also be obtained from soupy foods or fruits and vegetables that contain high water content.