Apr 05
The difference between day and night moisturiser. Do you really need both?

Yes and no.

Here’s why. If your skin is clear and always feels soft, you most likely have great skin. Your day moisturiser will work perfectly well at night. However, if you have oily, dry or combination skin, or other skin issues, it means that your skin requires more hydration and nutrients. Therefore, a more nourishing cream.

Day Moisturiser

It’s light and absorbs quickly into your skin. You can easily wear it under your make up without it feeling too heavy and greasy. Many day moisturiser contain SPF, which you don’t want to have on your skin at night, as it may clog your pores.

Night Moisturiser

It’s slightly heavier and takes a longer time to absorb into your skin. It usually contains ingredients such as retinol and glycolic acid which contain great anti-aging properties, however, it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun.

Day & Night Moisturiser

If you prefer to have just one moisturiser which works wonderfully both day and night, we have a couple that does the job well. These creams do not contain any SPF and are not sticky.